We offer our expertise in several areas of employee Health and Safety to enhance your Safety Culture. These are:
Dynamic Based Safety Training (Practiced):
1. OSHA and Safety Compliance Training in all areas of General Industry and Manufacturing
2. Practical Machine Guarding & Abatement
3. Operative Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout)
4. Applied Ergonomics
5. Realistic Powered Industrial Truck, Manlifts, & Scissors Lifts
6. Rational Hazard Communication
7. Pragmatic Hazard Assessment & Abatement
8. Appropriate Application of Personal Protective Equipment
9. Judicious Hearing Conservation & Noise Reduction
1910 General Industry OSHA Outreach Training (Experienced Based and Interactive):

1. 30-Hour Cards
2. 10-Hour Cards
3. “10+20” = 30-Hour Cards
Comprehensive Safety Management Programs & Associated Training (Our Specialty):
1. Root-Cause Accident Investigation
2. World-Class Safety Team Leadership
3. Total OSHA Compliance & Abatement
4. Conclusive OSHA Citation Abatement and Remediation
5. Thorough Policy Design & Implementation
6. Comprehensive Safety and Health Auditing
7. Premier Supervisor Safety Leadership Skills
8. Levelheaded Supervisor and Middle Management Leadership Skills
9. Wide-ranging Job Safety Analysis
10. All-Inclusive World-Class Culture Transformation
11. Interactive Team Building & Dynamics
Safety Culture Transformation (Our forte):
1. Practical Management of Change (MOC)
2. All-encompassing Employee Engagement Strategies
3. Invigorated Dynamic Safety Teams
4. Innovative Leading Metric Implementation
5. Persuasive Safety Incentive Systems & Games
6. Pertinent Behavioral Based Safety
7. Inclusive Safety Toolbox Talks
8. Experienced and Practiced Machine Guarding and Lockout Design and Solution
9. Practiced Workers Comp & Accident Investigation
10. Inspirational Motivational & Promotional Speaking
Philosophy and Core Value
Based upon our years of actual work experience, education and training, our moral compass and ethical business practices, our enterprise is dedicated to maximum customer value. We take very seriously our role as Safety & Health Advocates. Experience has shown us that the key to positive safety culture transformation is the power of unleashing the symmetry of employee engagement.
Contact Us.
We are fully ensured and can provide excellent references and testimonies on our results, recommendations, and work. Please feel free to review our LinkedIn Profile and website. “Safety Fitz, Where Safety Fits!”
Tom Fitzgerald,
Sr. Safety Advocate and Owner
Safety Fitz LLC
Linked Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-or-fitz-fitzgerald/
Website: www.safetyfitz.com
Email: fitz@safetyfitz.com
Phone: 920-901-8860